⭐️ Apple MacBook Pro M1 16.2in 10/24-Core 64GB/1TB Silver Z14Z0010B 2021 ✅❤️️✅❤️
The 10-Core CPU features eight performance cores and two high-efficiency cores. As a result, professionals can edit up to 30 streams of 4K ProRes video or up to seven streams of 8K ProRes video in Final Cut Pro.
more than a month ago
Condition: | Open box |
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Buy It Now: USD 2799,99
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Item location: Olathe, Kansas, United States |
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eBay item number: | 125834672716 | |
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Item specifics
Brand | Apple |
Processor | Apple M1 Pro |
Screen Size | 16.2 in |
Release Year | 2021 |
Color | Silver |
RAM Size | 64 GB |
Model | MacBook Pro |
MPN | Z14Z0010B |
SSD Capacity | 1 TB |
GPU | Apple 24-Core GPU |
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