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Certified Used
MacBook Pro 15" Early 2013 512GB SSD - Silver


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Certified Used
MacBook Pro 15" Early 2013 512GB SSD - Silver
NOT Included
NOT Included
Condition Rating: Good
Additional Details
Customer satisfaction is extremely important to us. Each item will be shipped within ONE BUSINESS day and all items purchased by 2PM EST will be shipped same day.
Your questions are important to us, all messages will be returned within 1 business day. Please do not hesitate in contacting us. We are more than happy to assist.
This item has been extensively tested to ensure full functionality when it arrives. It comes with a 12-Month Limited Warranty.
25+ Inspection Points
Over at ItsWorthMore, we strive to complete a thorough inspection of our products. This includes: Speakers, Camera, Keyboard, Inputs, Screen, Volume, Wi-Fi, Earphone, Microphone, Charging port, Battery, Trackpad, Fan, Bluetooth, Settings, Headphone Jack, Damage Free Screen, and USB Ports.
Item comes with a 12-Month Limited Warranty against any hardware defects. Each item will either be fixed, exchanged, or a full refund will be issued. The warranty does not cover damages caused through misuse such as exposure to water, dropping the device or buyer's remorse.