Title: A1369 Apple MacBook Air - 13.3" 1.7 GHz Intel i5, 128GB Flash Storage, 4GB RAM

This laptop is in good condition and comes with the original power cord. Please note that the hinge on this MacBook Air is less strong and will fall backward if angled back too much. This issue does not affect the functionality of the laptop, but it should be kept in mind when adjusting the screen angle.

This MacBook Air has a 13.3" display with a resolution of 1440x900, powered by an Intel HD Graphics 3000 graphics card with 384MB graphics memory. It features a 1.7 GHz Intel i5 processor, 128GB flash storage, and 4GB of RAM at 1333 MHz DDR3. The laptop is running macOS High Sierra 10.13.6.

It has been wiped clean and reset to factory settings, ready for its new owner.