PLEASE, DON'T ASSUME! We do our best to make the auction item description and picture of the actual auction item above as accurate as possible. If something is not written or pictured on this page, then you should assume that it does not come with it. For example, if the item you are bidding on describes and pictures a bowl of macaroni and cheese, you should expect to receive: a bowl, some macaroni, and some cheese. You should not expect the original box that it came in from the grocery store, a fork, a beverage or a napkin. If we were to include extra items such as those, we would include those items in the description and picture. And please, if you are unsure of what is and isn't included, please contact us via email before you bid. This Auction DOES NOT INCLUDE extra accessories. You are strongly encouraged to ask your questions before bidding - never assume an item has (or does not have) something, which is not explicitly stated in the ad. Always ask in advance for better understanding.