This is a Space Gray MacBook Pro from Apple with a 16-inch screen, 6-Core Intel Core i7 Processor, and 16GB of RAM. It runs on the Mac OS and has dedicated AMD Radeon Pro 5300M Graphics with GDDR6 memory, as well as Intel UHD Graphics 630. The laptop also features a stunning Retina display with True Tone technology, a Touch Bar and Touch ID, an ultrafast SSD, and a six-speaker system with force-cancelling woofers. Additionally, it has four Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) ports and 802.11ac Wi-Fi, and can provide up to 11 hours of battery life.
The product is used but shows only minimal signs of wear, with some cosmetic flaws such as minor scratches and scuffs. The display may have minimal scratching or scuffing as well.
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