The space gray mid 2019 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro with Touch Bar has been upgraded with a 9th Generation Intel Core eight-core processor. This laptop still features True Tone display technology that automatically adjusts white balance to match the color temperature of the surround light, and the Apple's T2 coprocessor chip. All of this helps to create a more powerful and versatile system for photographers, video editors, 3D graphic designers, gamers, and coders.

This MacBook Pro is powered by a 9th Gen 2.3 GHz Intel Core i9 eight-core processor that features a burst speed of up to 4.8 GHz, while 16GB of 2400 MHz DDR4 RAM helps to ensure smooth multitasking and also allows the computer to quickly access frequently-used files and programs. The system memory cannot be upgraded.

The 15.4" Retina Display has a 2880 x 1800 resolution. It also supports the P3 color gamut which allows for more vibrant colors. This ensures true-to-life pictures with realistically vivid details, which are essential for graphic design, color grading, and editing. With True Tone technology, the white balance automatically adjusts to match the color temperature of the light around you for a more natural viewing experience.

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Operating System

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