Heres the story on this one -
I got this in 2012 as part of some schooling that I was doing. I used it as my work computer from 2012 to about 2017. Im a Windows master race guy so I started using Parralells but then went full in on Win 7 boot. I forgot the orders of events but I tried to update windows and it would no longer boot. I could load in safe mood but it would crash at the first key stroke other wise. I tried messing with it but got frustrated and got a Lenovo (bad choice).
This thing is not perfect and notice in the pictures one of the corners is busted. I remember this exact moment - I checked something in my bag in my trunk on the side of i95 and as soon as the trunk opened up my Mac slid right out and onto the highway. I swore- It was working after that for a few years. Just annoying.
I took the hard drive out for security purposes.
My apologies - I dont remember the hardware specs on this. I want to say the i5??? It was not the top of the line unit but it is the 15" model. It may* be a 2010 or 2011 build?? Real sorry guys - I wish I knew more but computer hardware is not my thing.
Screen is in good shape. Back has some scratches. Screws are missing from the back panel. Comes with a fake charger - original burned out.
Let me know if I can answer any questions.
See pictures for details. Selling cheap for someones hobby build. Just to clarify again - this is for parts or repair!! Non functioning unit!!