the main issue is that technically this mac was corp. registered to MDM so it was bypassed and now on Monterrey (the newest iOS) but if u update it or reset it, will be a pain unless u know what u are doing to bypass it. this is a PERMANENT THING from apple - it will always be on mdm, u cannot get rid of it etc.
(its def doable to bypass, but will still technically be on there) we did it - so right now, no mdm profile and good to go, as long as u don't update/reset it.
so we listed it in the "for parts" category on ebay just to cover ourselves.
TLDR: You can set up a new user and create your own one but you can not reset this system. It will ask for password. If you don't need to reset the system it works just fine. This is why SOLD AS "for parts" even though beautiful & new.
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