This SecurePad has a open source hardened bios with a 3 gen quad core i7 and 16 gb of DDR3. Quadcore Thinkpads are godo at running Qubes OS, Parrot OS, or any other Gnu/Linux OS distribution we offer.
The quad core CPU upgrade and 16gb of RAM make for a responsive system with enough power resources to run a basic Qubes system. This system has a 2.5" SATA drive bay and a M-SATA SSD that is unoccupied
giving the option to install a secondary drive (not included).
The Intel ME has been disabled by modifying the system’s firmware with me_cleaner. That step can only be accomplished by using an external programmer to reprogram the chip that stores the system’s firmware. The lenovo
T420 is one of the select systems can be modified with external flashing. Leneovo are high quality ‘business rugged’ laptops that have had the security compromising system firmware (BIOS firmware, Intel ME, etc) removed and replaced
with more secure, free and open source alternatives. The closed source binary BIOS firmware has been removed from the system board and replaced with free (as in freedom) alternatives as well as the Intel Management Engine also being neutralized.
This can make your laptop more secure against threats and vulnerabilities.Perhaps the most important security/privacy enhancing feature these systems have is the neutralizing of the Intel Management Engine (IME). Also I have replaced the keyboard,
DVD drive and upgraded the CPU to a 3rd gen ivybridge. One of the benefits coreboot is the option to install a ivybridge cpu in a T420 for more CPU power.